Free DSM virtual machine

  1. Download and install Oracle VirtualBox. For Windows, click here. For Mac or OS X, click here. For Linux, click here.
  2. Download and install VirtualBox Extension Pack. Click here for all OS.
  3. Click one of the links here (link1  link2  link3  link4  link5  link6 link7 link8) to download the Virtual Machine OVA file and import it into Virtualbox (see pictures below).
  4. Open VirtualBox. Select File and Import Appliance. Select your OVA file in the import box and click next. For MAC Address Policy, select \”Include all network adapter MAC Address\” and click Import at the bottom. 





Click here to find the server.  Select the VM and click connect.

Username: demo1           password: P@ssw0rd

Open ‘File Station’ and upload your movie, music, and photo files according to the folder names.

Open Plex, Video Station, or Music Station and enjoy. You can also share links with a friend.

From your home router, port forward  or open ports tcp 5000, tcp 5001, & tcp 22 to this Virtual Machine ip address.

After you’ve open the port 5001, Go to to find your public ip address.

After you’ve find your public ip address. You can access the server anywhere in the world by typing https://ReplaceThisWithYourPublicIP:5001/

You can also enjoy other services like ftp by opening ports 21 and 55536 to 56047 on your router.

For more information, please contact [email protected] or text 260-376-3366.  You can also contact us here.